Guidelines on How to Write a Cause and Effect Essay

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Guidelines on How to Write a Cause and Effect Essay

It may be an easy task to write a cause and effect essay if you already know its structure and the way to present your ideas logically. One has to be careful with the arrangement of ideas and sequence in which they are placed. However, one should remember a couple of rules before writing a cause and effect essay:

  • There is no need to present irrelevant and insufficient details since they may take too much space.
  • If you present causes of a phenomenon, you should not mention its effects. You are allowed to do it only if you want to show interconnection between them. Thus, you should pay attention to one idea, not all possible details.
  • Always explain effects after causes are presented.
  • If you provide interconnection between causes and effects, make sure they are presented in a logical way without any flaws.
  • The most sufficient and relevant cause and effect relationship should be presented lastly in the essay. The smallest details should be provided in the beginning or middle of the custom essay.
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At first, one should choose an interesting and cognitive topic for discussion. You can choose it depending on your experience, understanding of certain events or situations that happened in the community you live. However, the most appropriate topics should be events that you have personally experienced.

Focus on the Writing Process

You should be aware of all writing steps. Before writing a cause and effect essay, you should create a plan to follow. However, an outline of the main ideas is always preferable. In the first draft, you have to present the causes and effects of a certain event or phenomenon. At the end of your essay, you should make a difference between instant causes and long-term ones. The same method can be applied to other types of writing. The easiest way to write such an essay is to create a separate outline with causes and another one with effects. However, if you write effects, you have to remember that evidence should be presented as well.

Every cause and effect essay should present only significant details, presuming that certain effect would not take place without certain causes. Moreover, it should be supported with notable details because if the essay lacks them, it might be difficult to trace the main idea throughout the text.

  1. One should dedicate a considerable amount of time to editing and proofreading of the essay.
  2. Incorporating sufficient evidence for causes and effects is vital.
  3. The reader of the essay should have an opportunity to predict possible effects of events.
  4. The effects should be logically connected to the causes you present in the essay.

When you have a task to write a cause and effect essay, you should pay attention to the following recommendations:

  • Always write in accordance with the chosen topic. You have to understand the purpose of writing – either to inform or persuade the readers.
  • Pay attention to the instant and significant causes and effects of the event or phenomenon; small and indirect ones should not be presented.
  • Make your essay effective with the help of proof, statistics or facts; moreover, you can always present your own ideas taken from personal experience of the situation.
  • If you support your claims with the help of evidence, you can use such phrases as “The evidence clearly shows that” or “According to the presented evince.”

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You have to write down certain questions to make sure that your cause and effect essay is effective:

  • What are the causes of the event?
  • What effects did it provoke?
  • What is the future structure of your essay?
  • Will you present only one cause or numerous ones?
  • Will you present only one effect or numerous ones?
  • Are all causes interconnected?

Here is the list of the most common mistakes that students make while writing a cause and effect essay. In such a way, readers can hardly understand the chain of events and their effects.

  • If you write an effect immediately after its cause, they are not necessarily dependent on each other.
  • Do not think that it is preferable to present only one cause in the essay.
  • You have to differentiate between the main effects and small consequences.
  • There is a need to differentiate between the instant cause and effect relations and prolonged ones.

Main Principles of Writing Cause and Effect Essay

Many students make the same mistakes when they have a task to write a cause and effect essay – they cannot define the causal relationships connected with the given topic. Thus, it is a reason why they buy a cheap essay from us by making an online order. Our writers know for sure how to define interconnection between causes and their effects and will provide you with a custom written essay.

While writing such type of essay, there is a need to define the main causes or factors that influence the future results. Thus, the essay should definitely present enough evidence to support your view, whereas numerous causes and effects must be equally presented. Moreover, it is obvious that effects cannot exist on their own, which means that one should not underestimate the causes of the phenomenon.

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Concluding Ideas

The cause and effect essay is not an ordinary writing task since it is different from simple essays in its structure and presentation of ideas. Such essay should not have only introduction, main body, and conclusion. While presenting the causal relationships, there is a need to follow the chronology of the events strictly. Moreover, one should presume not only effects that happen simultaneously but long-term ones that may take place in the future.

Usually, students spend more time on cause and effect essay in comparison to ordinary writing tasks. The main reason for it is the necessity to present enough evidence and make sure that the essay is logic and coherent in its presentation of cause and effects.

If you think that you are not able to write an extraordinary cause and effect essay on your own, you are always welcome to buy it online at

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