The World Is Flat

Home Book Report The World Is Flat
The World Is Flat Book Report Sample

A Brief Overview

Today, there exist a lot of books on the concept of globalization. Some of these texts are good, while others are poorly written and unreliable. Thomas Friedman’s book, The World is Flat, is one of best books on globalization. It is educational, well-written, easy to understand, and, most importantly, relevant to modern dysfunctional society. In his book, Friedman makes interesting points about the history and future of globalization. I found the information written in the book enlightening. For instance, now, I understand that individuals are propelling present-day globalization. The book has given me a greater understanding of the causes and effects of this process. Simply put, The World is Flat is a book worth exploring, as it offers valuable insight into the concept of globalization.

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How the Book Has Affected My Outlook on How I Will Do Business Both Domestically and Internationally

The book has changed my perspective on domestic and international businesses. Globalization is both a good and bad thing for modern businesses. In the fourth chapter of the book, Friedman suggests that domestic and international companies have no option but to embrace globalization. because the reason is that nothing and no one can stop this process. For this reason, any business, be it domestic or international, must seek to embrace the opportunities that globalization brings and develop strategies aimed at overcoming the challenges associated with the global marketplace. The fifth chapter has taught me one important lesson: globalization can either build or destroy a business. Simply put, to achieve long-term success, any type of company must adapt to the changing business landscape.

After reading Friedman’s book, I now know what I need to do to my business to achieve success, both domestically and internationally. As a domestic business owner, I will take advantage of certain aspects of globalization, such as outsourcing, to thrive in today’s harsh business environment. At the same time, I will seek to adopt practical strategies to overcome the negative aspects of globalization such as increased competition. Doing business internationally in today’s globalized world is not as easy, as it sounds. The book offers good advice on how to work internationally. Going forward, I will apply the knowledge I have gained from this book to effectively do business with all types of partners.

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How the Book Has Affected My Opinion on Globalization

The book has changed my opinion on several issues. I already knew some concerns discussed in the book. For instance, I had an idea of what globalization is and how it continues to affect the society. I also knew that globalization is not entirely a good thing; it has its disadvantages. Generally speaking, before I read the five chapters, I thought I knew a lot of things about present-day globalization. After finishing the book, it is now clear that I was lying to myself since my knowledge was limited. The book has given me a greater understanding of the globalized world. For instance, I knew that technological advancements have leveled the global playing field. What I did not know is that ten factors or “flatteners” that were spanning for several years have led to present-day globalization.

The ten forces are the collapse of Berlin Wall, workflow software, outsourcing, offshoring, supply chaining, uploading, Netscape, personal digital devices that Friedman calls steroids, insourcing, and informing tools such as Google. It is worth mentioning that the majority of these ten flatteners are related to technology. What this means is that my earlier reasoning that technological advancements have led to globalization was not far-fetched. Another issue that the book has made me reconsider is the effects of globalization. I knew globalization has desirable and undesirable effects on domestic and international businesses. What I did not know is the magnitude of these effects. I now comprehend that globalization is a source of opportunities and threats to individuals, businesses, and countries.

The five chapters have affected my opinion on the topic. Prior to reading the book, I believed that globalization is a key to eradicating global poverty. After reading the chapters, I hold the belief that globalization is a necessary evil, as it is advantageous and disadvantageous in some instance. Fortunately or unfortunately, no one and nothing can stop this process. With this in mind, it is safe to argue that although globalization is undesirable due to its adverse effects, it is necessary to achieve global economic growth. That said, the organizations interested in achieving long-term success should take the time to find out how globalization is both a threat and blessing to the businesses. My new opinion about this topic after reading the five chapters is that embracing globalization is the key to achieving success in today’s ”flat world.”

Parts of the Books that Surprised Me

Several parts of the books surprised me. The first part is present-day globalization, which Friedman describes as globalization 3.0. It is being spearheaded by individuals and not by companies or countries. I believe that developed nations are the force behind modern-day globalization. My reasoning is influenced by the fact that the majority of developed nations are seeking to increase their influence in various parts of the world. For example, China and the United States are currently trying to outdo each other in Africa. Another part of the book that surprised me is that present-day globalization is a product of a myriad of forces, such as outsourcing and workflow software. I never thought that insourcing and outsourcing are leveling the global playing field.

Another part of the book that surprised me is the claim by Friedman that the collapse of the Berlin Wall and the terrorist attack on 9/11 have flattened the world. What surprised me about these two events is that their causes and effects have somehow hastened the globalization process. The book has been eye-opening. I have gathered new data about globalization from it. The book has changed my opinion about the causes of globalization, its effects, and how domestic and international businesses can adapt to this new trend. I believe that the new facts will go a long way towards helping me succeed in the globalized marketplace. Simply put, the book has enhanced my general knowledge about globalization, free trade, international business, and global politics.

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Friedman’s Assumptions

The first major assumption that Friedman makes is that in the history of humanity, there have been three eras of globalization. The first globalization started in 1492. The second era of globalization lasted from 1800 and 2000, while the present-day globalization started in 2000. I do not agree with this assumption since it is humanly impossible to know the exact year a particular era of globalization started or ended. The second assumption that Friedman makes is that individuals are fueling today’s globalization. I agree with this, as we live in a digital era where individuals are collaborating and competing globally. However, it is worth mentioning that, unlike Friedman, I believe companies and nations are also propelling present-day globalization.

Another assumption that Friedman makes is that the world has been “flattened’ by ten forces. I’m afraid I have to disagree with this assumption since it is difficult to pinpoint all the factors or forces that have leveled the global playing field. To put this in perspective, one could argue that the impact of the First and Second World Wars made globalization necessary. Another assumption that Friedman makes is that the global playing field is leveled. I do not agree with this since although globalization is flattening the world, the movement of goods and people across the globe is still strictly controlled and regulated. With this in mind, Friedman should have titled his book “The World is Gradually Becoming Flat” instead of “The World is Flat.” The claim that the world is flat is an over-exaggeration of what is happening in the world.

Parts of the Book I Strongly Agree and Disagree with

I strongly agree that globalization is leveling the global playing field. I also strongly agree that globalization is not an entirely good thing for businesses, countries, and individuals. Although it creates numerous business opportunities for domestic and international businesses, it also results in many challenges that threaten their very existence. Another part I strongly agree with is that technological advancements, such as the introduction of the Internet and the development of personal digital devices, have revolutionized globalization. Some parts of the book I strongly disagree with is that globalization 3.0 is being propelled by individuals. I believe that modern-day globalization is being shaped by four key players: international organizations, such as world trade organizations, countries, individuals, and businesses. All in all, the book is a good source of information about globalization.

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A Closer Look at Chapter 5 (America and Free Trade)

I chose this chapter since the United States is currently involved in a trade war with China. Additionally, President Trump is emphasizing on a concept known as “Buy American.” It is a movement whose primary objective is to encourage Americans to buy and use products made in the United States. I thought the chapter would shed light on the issues mentioned above. I am proud to say that it met my expectations. The chapter states that there is a growing desire among American citizens to ban outsourcing to achieve two objectives: create jobs for Americans and protect American businesses. In this chapter, Friedman offers valuable insights into the issue of free trade and how the United States can cope with it. The chapter helped me understand why President Trump’s administration wants to ban outsourcing.

Friedman made three key points in this chapter. The first point is that banning outsourcing is not an effective solution for tackling joblessness in the United States. I agree with Friedman on this issue since banning outsourcing can have an undesirable impact on the United States’ status as the leader of the free world. The second key point is that a better education system is the key to ensuring Americans compete effectively on the global level. I believe this reasoning is accurate since one disadvantage of free trade is increased competition in the global marketplace. The third key point is that American companies should strive to adapt to the changes brought about by globalization and free trade. I agree on this point, as globalization and free trade are not going to end any time soon. For this reason, it is high time for the businesses to understand that adapting to globalization is not an option but a necessity.


The World is Flat is a good book. It is well-written, interesting to read, easy to understand, and, most importantly, educational. The author offers valuable insight into the issue of globalization. The book is, however, far from being perfect. One of the biggest weakness is that a majority of the information written therein feels as if it is Friedman’s opinion on globalization. The book consists mainly of Friedman’s personal observations and experience. Some people may view this as a weakness on the part of the book. I would recommend this book to other people. The reason is that it makes important inferences about the causes and effects of present-day globalization.