Motivation Letter for Masters Degree in Architecture

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Motivation Letter for Masters Degree in Architecture

I am writing to you with the desire to apply for the Master’s Degree in architecture, the area I am particularly interested in. I want to connect my future with architecture as I am sure that working in this field I will be able to make this world better by means of affecting the aesthetical expression of buildings and many other things. Architecture is the area of knowledge which combines engineering and mathematical calculations with creativity and imagination. I would like to work in the sphere of architecture design, where I will be able to apply my practical knowledge and creative potential in practice. Working as a designer of new buildings in the city and new things in lives of people is exactly what I want to do in my future. The position of an architecture designer will help me implement my ideas and creativity in practice. I am sure that having graduated from your university I will have enough theoretical and practical knowledge for being able to start my professional career. Having good imagination and gift for abstract thinking, I will start my career with taking a position of an ordinary architect working in a team on any big project. I plan to gain some necessary experience in working in a group and running big projects and after it I will be able to create and to lead some big projects myself. Studying at your university will give me way to new horizons and will offer me many opportunities I am unable to implement into life. Education is important and I want to get as much as I can from studying at your university and applying knowledge I already have.

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I understood that I wanted to become an architect at high school when I got acquainted with other cultures and historic buildings, when I saw how different the surrounding world could be. I was fascinated with the differences in building and decoration. Architecture, design, and engineering became the main hobbies during my school life. I started high school in 1996 and finished it in 2007. I achieved some success at high school in designing. I took part in the national competition based on traditional holiday Novruz in 2003. I exhibited my pictures having drawn the things related to this holiday, I wanted to show how this holiday may be expressed thorough designing. The event took place in the one of the famous galleries in Azerbaijan. I took the second place in our republic. School life was over and in 2007 I had to decide which place I was going to enter and which profession I was going to obtain. I did not have any questions or concern about the place I would like to enter after leaving school. Admission process took some time and I became a student of Azerbaijan Architecture and Construction University. Student life in the university was not easy. However, I received too much knowledge which I had to apply it in practice. I should say that I successfully combined education and other activities as life without entertainment was empty. I went in for sports, I participated in drama class and of course I attended additional curriculum in designing. I was one of the best students in the university and I managed to prove it. During my bachelor education I participated in many exhibitions and championships and I got some places as well. I also have a certificate about participation in exhibition in 2008. I exhibited several photos of my designing ideas. My own new car design photo was the best among those. Exhibition was held by the Ministry of Youth and Sport of Azerbaijan. I had my own individual exhibition in my university during my bachelor degree. It was an excellent reward for my attempts. I presented about 30 photos of my designing ideas on various themes. Favorable opinion from my peers and teachers was the best award. I got a Bachelor degree in 2010.

Applying to Master’s Degree in your university, I want to enlarge the scope of my knowledge in manipulation of forms, design theory, and model buildings. I am sure that education is the first step on the way to better living and I want to create an environment where people will want to live better. According to the US labor statistics, the entry-level education for the profession of architect is a Bachelor’s degree. I would like to change this issue as I know that education is important for the development of the society. We create the surrounding world and making it more beautiful, we will contribute to our moral and aesthetical behavior. I will use knowledge got at your university with the purpose to affect the surrounding world. Application to the Master’s Degree in architecture is significant for me as I want to be more qualified and to get higher skills in my profession. The profession of architect comprises about 133,700 kinds of jobs people are able to apply to. The average salary of an architect in 2010 comprised $72,550 per year and $34.88 per hour in comparison to $45,790 average mean salary for all occupations (‘Occupational outlook handbook’ 2012). Even though the salary is average and in my country the payment may be lower, I am ready to work much in order to improve the positions of the architects, to earn more salaries and to achieve higher appreciation of the architects in the society. Studying for my bachelor degree I noticed how important it is for me to contribute to social and technical development of my country. I would like to continue working in this direction after graduating from your university.

Architecture is the sphere of knowledge which affects nation’s social and technical development. Considering the way how I can be useful in this relation, I have noticed that people lead rush lives. Waking up they constantly hurry up. They do not notice the beauty of this world. Studying for my bachelor’s degree I always thought that there are not many things in ordinary life can be impressed by. Of course, the great examples of architecture and designing are present and these particular buildings and things inspire people. But considering the ordinary life, people got used to be contended with the simple things. I will change this. I study with the intention to contribute to social, cultural and technological development of this world having made the ordinary life of people full with beautiful things in ordinary life. Simple public transport maybe changed to impressive vehicles which will bring positive mood to people. The life of each person creates the general level of life of the society. Making sure that each person in the society has become a little happier will make sure that he level of life of the whole society is going to increase. I want to change this world by making it better from the aesthetical side as I believe that beauty is an important parameter of the modern society. Being surrounded by beautiful things will not change this world, but will change human attitude to the world and this is the first step on the way to social changes.