California College of Arts Motivation Letter

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California College of Arts Motivation Letter

My passion to developing new things and design has developed long before I have entered college. It was based on my continuous observations of the various sorts of packaging, as well as customized fonts that could be found in handwriting only and innovative logos. Having become a college student, a new realm opened to me as I have become more familiar with the multiple varieties design could offer and paid special attention to the origin of the existing covers. I have attempted going beyond the standard limits and common types of packaging and fonts while I managed to go for a challenge of engaging in motion and interactive design, even despite the lack of respectful courses. However, I managed to learn a lot from the abovementioned lessons, especially during the motion course which happened to reshape my vision of space. I have been pleased to learn what a quick learner I was. I could observe interactive design on the regular basis, looking through the scope of mundane routine. It is possible to locate interactive design through various objects and utensils, for instance cell phone applications, various websites, special teaspoons etc., yet very few of them can be applied afresh. Sometimes I challenge myself by quickly changing the focus from one object to another, picking up the slightest details of design and offering them as a subject for discussion to my family and friends who adore engaging into the thoughtful discussions with me.

Provided the main objective of design is eliminating various issues, then interactive design would hold the sole purpose of sublimating the design in a response form. I believe that all the excellent examples of design go beyond being outstanding outside, yet bring satisfaction to those who employs it personally. Despite the type of relation that interactive design is based on, it always places people in the leading position in interactive design, no matter whether this is a two or three-dimensional implication. I believe that all the would-be implications of interactive design will be closely related to people and society. Currently I work on gaining the undergraduate degree at the university where my major is quite broad and goes past the limits of graphic design. It is mandatory for me to study such subjects as nutrition, physics, etc., as well as more relevant subjects like history of art, sculpture, painting, etc., and they make me a skillful designer specializing in numerous fields and capable of multitasking. Such rich experience motivates me to become more engaged in studying graphic design’s applications in various fields, and it is my sincere belief that to succeed in one field, I have to be well educated in multiple areas.

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Hong Kong Polytechnic University offers its students a unique chance to become a part of the exchange program and grow academically. I have succeeded in it and presented a group project which took a great deal of hard work and dedication. I have been cooperating with six other students, designing KETO VORTEX, and making a particular emphasis on its brand upgrade, package improvement and refreshing the sales design. My portion of the group work was developing and supporting the proper functioning of the mobile application. Having applied a lot of efforts, I managed to make it more user-friendly and customer-oriented, allowing KETO VORTEX customers to enjoy it. Working on this app, I have experimented with various applications, including AdobeXD. My objective was making this application have less unnecessary request windows and keeping the interface easy to operate for everyone. Unfortunately, the productions process was not completely smooth due to the personal preferences of all the group members. We all presented various cultures and approached the same issues differently; thus, minor conflicts could emerge. However, we managed to gain the agreement on the mutually satisfying direction and communicated all the time to ensure everybody’s interests will be properly reflected in the final product.

My experience on handling projects also includes a variety of projects completed on the group and individual basis. Working on the real-life business projects I have encountered a number of difficulties that had to be eliminated right away. One of the major issues I faced was the misinterpretation of the project objectives due to the lack of communication with the customer. For instance, developing the business cards, I have been trying to make its design attractive and fill it with useful information, yet customer might disapprove this. Ensuring customer is satisfied with the final product is one of the major objectives a professional designed should follow. Therefore, I developed a total of three possible directions for further development, and assigned a key feature to each of them so the customer could make a choice based on his most relevant need. Having accomplished such a demanding project I have gained the understanding that as an experienced designer should always possess clear vision of the future project and have ideas to back it up since customers often do not share the designers’ vision. Moreover, it is important to have the open-minded approach to be able to understand what fits customer the most. Also, working with the practical projects appeared to be more complicated compared to the research projects at school. Working with a real customer, I could not afford any delays and had to maximize my efforts to satisfy the customer by offering him a variety of options to choose from. Moreover, I noticed how valuable the communications skills were since I had to negotiate the possible designs with the customer, explaining what the best option could be. The most complicated aspect was sharing the knowledge and experience I had to prove my point and explain the eventually the turnover from my suggestion would be higher. No matter how previous the customer’s opinion is, a good designer has to know how to shed the light on the dark spots of customer’s knowledge and understanding.

While I have been completing a different case, I have gained a piece of excellent experience. It has taught me to ensure I am prepared to work on the project before I even started. In other words, lacking substantial knowledge may lead to the project failure or revisions that could have been avoided. My experience involved creation of a set of two alcohol beverages presenting various prices. Initially I was confused since this area was new to me, yet I brought myself together and researched the field to discover the best ideas and managed to finalize the project excellently. This experience taught me that despite the freedom of thoughts and ideas designers have, they have to be prepared to undertaking the most challenging cases. While handling a project individually, every designer should remember it is his or her responsibility altogether, and thus there is no way back and no space left for making mistakes. I believe each case requires complete dedication and it is not always possible to receive the highest regards for the job done.

I believe that California College of the Arts would be my best fit as a place to study for gaining a degree in interaction design. I feel attraction to this school due to its history and outstanding faculty who would assist me in development of the skills I have. Design earns its social value once applied in life. Thus, as school is located in the haven of global high-tech leaders like eBay, Twitter, Google, Apple, etc., I would be capable of receiving the most state-of-the-art knowledge and experience on the spot, next to the technological giants. A combination of top knowledge and technology has a support from the artistic spirit of this city as well. The last point means unlimited access to the world art masterpieces which would improve my sense of creativity and aesthetics. One more reason why I seek the chance to enroll to this school is the interdisciplinary learning which enables students to learn their basic courses with a variety of students majoring in different related disciplines, including graphic and industrial design, as well as interaction design. Such close interaction would enable me to develop a better background knowledge for the future career.

I would like to express my gratitude for the outstanding assessment of my enrollment application. I appreciate your efforts for reading my letter of intent and I hope it would prompt my chances of becoming one of your students. Provided I do, it would be an honor to implement my life-long dreams and desires in your university. Having become a CCA student, I would ensure my communication skills are used to the fullest as I engage into various conversations with other students and faculty. I believe that my active position can make a small change that is always appreciated within such big student groups, and eventually I would be capable of not only taking from someone, but giving away through sharing my knowledge with others.