Business School Lausanne Motivation Letter Sample

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Business School Lausanne Motivation Letter Sample

This motivation letter is written with the purpose to demonstrate my sincere desire and interest in applying to Business School Lausanne, for the masters in international and sustainable finance (MISF). After performing a research about the main educational establishments and programs in the sphere of finance and investment, I am sure that it will help me improve my skills in this aspect and bring my knowledge to the advanced level. I do not want a simple improvement, but I want an extended development of my skills, which I can get only at Business School Lausanne with MISF, because it is the only course if Switzerland, which offers a full Master’s Degree in finance, supported by the corresponding volume of knowledge.

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My desire to apply for this program was formed not only on the basis of my investigation, but also because of the working experience, which I got. I was employed at the Astana Expo-2017 at the Department of Commerce and Investments. Moreover, I have been engaged as the conference moderator in Geneva and as the co-founder in Start-up crowd funding problem. All these experiences have helped me to understand my strengths and weaknesses and see the areas for the future improvements. I realize that the lack of systematic knowledge in the sphere of international and sustainable finance made my working experience more complicated and did not give me a chance to reveal my potential. I also noticed that my management and leadership skills are at the beginner level. I have no right to judge my former administration, but I can state that they often used some authoritative management style and did not prove that they were experienced leaders. I did not have enough knowledge and abilities to explain them what I needed and they did not devote much time to teaching new employees.

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All the aforementioned facts made me think which course, program or educational establishment I can choose to improve my skills and knowledge and develop the aspects at which I am already more or less experienced. It is good that nowadays all educational establishments have web sites with detailed descriptions of the programs they offer. Thus, Business School of Louisiana proved to be the best option for me. It is possible to distinguish some unconditional advantages of completing the program of the MISF. Firstly, I will be equipped with a complex of knowledge in the sphere of investment, finance and trade services. Secondly, besides the traditional and mainstream education in finance, I will be able to perform sustainability analyses of different financial sectors. Thirdly, I was attracted by the fact that the program will prepare me for real business world, because it offers a unique experiential learning internship program, in the course of which I will be able to apply my knowledge in practice. The next advantage is the fact that Business School Lausanne has a developed program of career orientation and assists its students in finding a job in all possible ways.  The last opportunity, which sounds very attractive, is a student exchange option in Beijing. This option opens a global perspective of international finance to me.

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I can firmly state that all the enumerated pluses of the MISA at Business School Lausanne are not only simple facts taken from the web site. I have also considered the reviews of the people, who have studied at this school and checked the rankings of it in Europe. The school has a wonderful reputation in educating the best specialists. I know that my desire to apply for the MISF at Lausanne is well-though and grounded and I am ready to protect my arguments and promote my ideas for any other hesitating potential students.