50 Basic English Essay Topics

Home Best Topics 50 Basic English Essay Topics
50 Basic English Essay Topics

One should realize the importance of choosing an appropriate essay topic while studying in college or university. We offer you a chance to read our online list of the best English essay topics that you can use in your personal writing.

Every essay should comprise the following parts: introduction, main body, and conclusion. One of the essential aspects of essay writing is the topic, which is the subject one has to evaluate. Moreover, essays can be divided into certain types: persuasive essays, informative essays, opinion essays, cause and effect essays, process essays, definition essays, etc.

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Choose the Best Essay Topic!

We present a list of 50 English essay topics that can be used in your writing.

  • Imagine that it is your last day. How would you spend it?
  • Why do many children suffer from abuse?
  • What is the worst experience in your life?
  • What is the most dreadful day in your life?
  • Why do people need to know history?
  • Why is vaccination necessary?
  • Why should education be #1 matter for young people?
  • Should the drug laws be stricter?
  • Why do monarchies still exist?
  • Water pollution and its consequences.
  • Do you believe in all historical facts?
  • Should Nabokov’s ‘Lolita’ be banned?
  • Memories from the childhood.
  • What are the main features of human beings making them different from other living creatures?
  • Intelligence or beauty? What is more important?
  • Do you believe anti-feminists have sufficient proof for their struggle?
  • Why Christmas traditions in many families fade?
  • Different hypotheses of the Trojan War.
  • A popular literature character depicted in mass media.
  • Imagine that you had lived on another planet and came to the Earth for the first time. What would you be surprised to see?
  • A book you would never read.
  • A person who serves as an idol for you.
  • Should alcohol and smoking be banned?
  • Make a list of traditions that make your family different from the rest of society.
  • The most memorable event in your life.
  • Imagine that you are an alien. Where would you fly to and what would you do?
  • Should girls be more informed about abortions and their consequences?
  • Do hobbies reveal anything about people’s characters?
  • Should national minorities protect their rights?
  • How coffee is made?
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  • Is it obligatory to have a diploma to be successful?
  • Changes in the penitentiary system. Is it real?
  • You are a president. What will you do first?
  • Should privacy on the Internet be enhanced?
  • What animal do you associate yourself with?
  • What is the role of Columbus in the development of the world?
  • Is it better to be a professional in one aspect or have some knowledge in different fields?
  • The most famous American writer who influenced the whole nation.
  • Imagine that you have an opportunity to have a talk with a famous person. What would you ask and why?
  • Do you think all love relationships end with hatred?
  • Is it good or bad to live in a time of change?
  • Imagine that you have a chance to change one event in the past. What would you change?
  • Do you think that beauty can be measured?
  • Do you think magic exist?
  • Imagine that you can work in any field. What profession would you like to occupy?
  • Does archeology reveal the secrets of the past or is it simply a presumption of researchers?
  • Is there any difference between the handmade objects and arts?
  • Do you think being indifferent to everything means being healthy?
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