100 Controversial Essay Topics

Home Best Topics 100 Controversial Essay Topics
100 Controversial Essay Topics

Explore more controversial topics that you can use for your personal writing tasks. Our online writers have created you a list of the most interesting topics that presume controversy. If you would like to become an expert in your field, you should be well aware of the newest writing tendencies and the most cognitive controversial topics to be used for your personal needs. Every student knows that professors do like to read an essay or research paper that implies controversy. In such a way, they can define whether students can effectively defend their standpoints. The basic aim of a controversial essay is to make a reader interested in the topic and convince him / her that your personal ideas are trustworthy and credible. However, writing a custom controversy essay takes much time and efforts since profound research must be conducted on the topic. Moreover, usually, students cannot make even the first step – to choose a topic for their controversy essay. Remember! The more suitable topic you choose, the higher grade you will receive.

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You ought to realize that there are no wrong or right ideas when it comes to writing a controversy essay. A student has to conduct research in a very objective manner and take into consideration all possible facts and arguments.

We present a list of 100 controversial essay topics that you can always use in your personal writing.

  • The causes and consequence of the Cold War.
  • Racism and its opponents.
  • Should gay couples have the same rights as traditional ones?
  • Does globalization have more positive consequences?
  • Can Hitler be considered as a patriot?
  • Should the voting age be increased?
  • Doctor-assisted suicide or murder?
  • Children of one-parent and two-parent families. Does their behavior differ?
  • Does the war have any positive effects?
  • Should sex before marriage become a common practice?
  • Should couples in civil marriage have the same rights as traditional ones?
  • Does friendship exist?
  • Should abortions be banned?
  • Should marijuana be legalized for people with the deadly diseases?
  • Do people believe in love or pretend?
  • Modern versus traditional types of art.
  • The USA versus developing countries.
  • Global warming. Do scientists exaggerate its consequences?
  • How to resolve the issue of overpopulation?
  • Plastic surgeries. Are they necessary?
  • Kinds of modern art. Can it be called “art” in any way?
  • Can people stop deforestation?
  • Should men have a paternity leave?
  • Should mass media pay more attention to the burning issues of society?
  • Can women reach bigger success in politics?
  • Can our society be called as a “safe place”?
  • Should plagiarism be a cause for students’ expulsion?
  • Does homeopathy really cure?
  • The best American writer.
  • Should women have the same salaries as men?
  • Weapon of mass destructions. Should the government fund such programs?
  • Can people live on other planets?
  • Should all children be vaccinated?
  • Should people protect the animal rights?
  • Why do many people suffer from human trafficking?
  • Can women work and raise children at the same time?
  • Do people believe too much in politicians’ speeches?
  • Should surrogate motherhood be allowed in all countries?
  • Murder or euthanasia?
  • Does mass culture influence teenagers only in a negative way?
  • Should researchers stop working on space exploration?
  • Do people depend too much on technological advancements?
  • Should military service be obligatory?
  • Should humankind destroy a weapon of mass destruction?
  • Child abuse. Do non-traditional families suffer more from the issue?
  • Should murderers and rapists be exposed to capital punishment?
  • Why do many children suffer from corporal punishment?
  • Suicide or self-defense.
  • Do people protect the human rights too much?
  • The most influential US President.
  • Will scientists ever find a cure for HIV?
  • Can lack of food lead to war?
  • Should some drugs be legalized?
  • Should the death penalty be introduced in all states?
  • Should gay marriages be banned?
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  • Can military interventions be characterized as necessary measures?
  • Smoking ban or violation of human rights?
  • Does social security matter?
  • Should criminals be exposed to tortures?
  • Should the government introduce more the single sex schools?
  • What is the best age to get married?
  • Does the Internet have a more negative influence on people?
  • Should a maternity leave be prolonged?
  • Can immigrants be called as betrayals?
  • Should people believe in extraterrestrial civilizations?
  • Iraq war.
  • Patriotism or radical views?
  • Should church and politics be interrelated?
  • Should children spend less time on the Internet?
  • Should women be allowed the late-term abortions?
  • Should taxes be increased?
  • Will the legalization of prostitution put an end to rapes?
  • How to prove that paradise and hell exist?
  • Should home birth be forbidden?
  • Are banks a safe place to save money?
  • Should drinking age increase?
  • Why do many people believe in life after death?
  • Should children have a pet?
  • Valentine ’s Day or the saddest day for millions of Americans?
  • What does ethnic adoption mean?
  • Do diets make people suffer?
  • Can a beautiful woman be intelligent?
  • Women while driving.
  • Gun control.
  • Should there be more private prisons?
  • Can our taxation system be called as “fair”?
  • Are cell phones dangerous or it is only a myth?
  • What age is appropriate for close relationships?
  • Why is fashion so important?
  • Do actors get too much attention?
  • Should teenagers get free condoms?
  • Is there a chance to win a lottery?
  • Does magic exist?
  • Should surveillance cameras be prohibited?
  • Can a video game provoke the violent acts?
  • Does competition have positive sides?
  • Should colleges lower tuition?
  • Do all religions have the same principles?
  • Should teachers of English be native speakers?
  • Should people invest money in scientific projects?
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