100 Best College Essay Topics

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100 Best College Essay Topics

An essay is such a type of writing when students have an opportunity to express themselves. However, one of the most complicated steps is the choice of an appropriate topic. Do not get upset if you cannot think of any topic because we offer you to choose one out of 100 topics presented below.

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  1. How to make a secret love real?
  2. Do you believe the arts have a significant influence on people? Provide examples from your experience.
  3. First kiss – a pleasant experience or dreadful moment?
  4. Does clothing reflect our personalities?
  5. Reveal the most terrible event in your life.
  6. Why will robots never become similar to people?
  7. You have won 1 million dollars in a lottery. What would you buy?
  8. All people lie. Is that true?
  9. Would you like to live 100 years? Why? Why not?
  10. Write about your experience living in the community you do not like.
  11. Does the diversity of products matter? Would it be easier to make your choice if there were not so many goods present?
  12. How to make right choices? How often do you experience wrong decisions?
  13. Would you like to live on the inhabited island? What would you do there?
  14. If you had to write a book, what topic would you like to discuss?
  15. What does an unexpected event mean to you?
  16. Can you regard your life as happy?
  17. What season do you like the most? Why?
  18. Would you like to talk to a celebrity?
  19. What country would you like to visit? Why?
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  21. Do you hug close people? Do you think hugging is necessary to express real emotions?
  22. Can you write an autobiography? Have you experienced enough events and achievements to share with people?
  23. Would you like your life to change drastically? Why? Why not?
  24. Have you ever thought that your lifestyle would belong to your parents’ expectations and not your personal wishes?
  25. Would you like to become a hero of TV series?
  26. Have you ever risked your life? What has happened there?
  27. The event that you would not like to be engaged in.
  28. What conversation is difficult to forget for you?
  29. How often do you experience challenges in your life?
  30. How do you imagine our world in 100 years?
  31. Do you think that all choices have to be made after careful consideration?
  32. Do you think teaching is the most demanding work?
  33. Imagine that you encounter a researcher who has invented a time machine. Would you go to the future or the past?
  34. Imagine that an admission committee has to decide between two candidates. Why should they choose exactly you?
  35. What is the best gift for you? Have you ever got it?
  36. Write down a story about yourself that will reveal the essence of your character.
  37. Would you like to have a magic wand? Would you change the world?
  38. How do you think people perceive you?
  39. What would you change in your body and why?
  40. How often do your dreams come true?
  41. How often do you experience the situations when you cannot resist hardships?
  42. Do you have a favorite quotation? Does it describe you in a certain way?
  43. What is your favorite color? Does it reflect your personality?
  44. Would you like time to stop? What would you change in your life?
  45. Would you like to live in an imaginary world? How would it look like?
  46. Would do your consider the most important invention by the humankind?
  47. Do you run away from problem-solving?
  48. Do you think every citizen should be a patriot of his / her country?
  49. The essence of the word “I.”
  50. What is your biggest fear?
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  52. Do you think the first impression is the correct one? How often do you make such?
  53. Would you like to live a careless life?
  54. What does a strange person mean to you?
  55. Have you ever experienced a situation when a nightmare has become real?
  56. Do you think all people have to be educated?
  57. Would you like to be an actor? Whom would you like to play?
  58. Do you think parents should be the most important people in everyone’s life?
  59. Do you think giving gifts is as pleasant as taking them?
  60. Would you like to be a king or queen?
  61. Would you like to be a dog or cat?
  62. Do you consider that there are too many senseless inventions?
  63. Do you think words can kill people?
  64. Do you have your personal philosophy?
  65. Do you think your life can be described on a postcard?
  66. Do you adhere to pieces of advice of your parents or close people?
  67. Where would you like to live?
  68. Can you divide your life into certain periods? What are the most memorable?
  69. What does fortune mean to you?
  70. What is the most important aspect of your life?
  71. What situations do you avoid? How often do you experience them?
  72. Do you think monuments are just waste of money?
  73. Do you have many significant moments in your life?
  74. If there were a revolution, would you participate?
  75. What does raising children mean to you?
  76. Do you have personal stereotypes?
  77. Do you think your personality has changed? What are the major factors?
  78. Describe your biggest passion.
  79. How would you spend one day?
  80. Would you like to be a totally different person?
  81. Do you believe there is true friendship?
  82. Do you believe that a person should try everything in his / her life since he / she lives only once?
  83. What opportunity would you like to have?
  84. Would you like to be a world saver?
  85. Your perfect journey. Describe the route and agenda.
  86. Would you like to be free from any obligations?
  87. What habits do you have?
  88. Would you like to have a super power? Specify it.
  89. Do you think that poems are a reflection of one’s soul?
  90. Do you think you will be able to react bravely to the catastrophe that has just happened? Would you be courageous enough to save other people?
  91. Do you think it is possible to speak with the dead?
  92. Do you think you perceive parents differently being mature?
  93. Do you think misunderstandings happen too often to you?
  94. Do you have the best friend? Describe him / her.
  95. Do you think that journal articles have any influence on you?
  96. Should teachers be friendlier with their students?
  97. How would you like to live your life?
  98. What does the phrase “become real” mean to you?
  99. Do you read much? What kind of books do you like?
  100. Do you think gossiping should be punished?
  101. What kind of person are you? What would you change in your character?
  102. List your strengths and weaknesses.
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